General Issues

General Issues like Anger management, Low self confidence, Assertive skills, communication skills, mental well being can be identified and focused on the solution.

Family Issues

Family is a basic institution of love, care and support for each other. Similarly challenges, conflicts, adjustmental issues are also common. This can be resolved by listening, talking and seeking professional help. Family therapy  is focused to strengthen the relationship at Srika counselling club.

Counselling Charges :

Other Countries : $199 to $200 (Per hour)

Relationship Issues

Unhealthy relationships will affect both physical and mental  `wellbeing. Break up issues and its related Concerns like stress low confidence are acknowledged and steps are taken to help them. 

Teenage Issues

Teen agers   between 13-19 years  will face some challenges both physically and psychologically like body image, peer pressures, addiction to gadgets etc. At Srika counselling club, needs will be identified and prompt solution will be derived.

Family Therapy

Family therapy is a talk therapy that focuses on the improvement  of the relationships and behaviors among the family members. This therapy can be done in the situations like Struggle situations, Addictive issues, Loss, adjustmental problems  etc. Professionals at Srika counselling club will find the issues and make the family members to take decision by their own.

Pre  Marital & Marital Counselling

Acceptance of marital partner, entering into new roles and responsibilities will be discussed. We help the partners to better understand about their concerns, future goals.

Counselling Charges :

Other Countries :
For Initial Session – $100 to $200 (Per hour)
Premium Plan – $200 to $250 (Per hour)

Stress Management

Stress is a  part of human life to some extent. Everyone will undergo general stress, Job related stress and  so on. When it is beyond the control and unmanageable its better to seek professional help to reduce the stress and  manage it effectively. Srika counselling club provides stress therapy which includes relaxation techniques and life skills to handle it.

Personality Development

Each person is different based on their characteristics. At Srika  persons strengths and weakness can be identified  and development  strategies are enforced through professional approach.

Counselling Charges :

Other Countries :
Personality Assessment – $100 to $200 (Per hour)
Personality development – $150 to $250 (Per hour)

Old Age Issues

As we move on aging, decreased functions of memory, difficulties in their daily needs etc may be due to life style diseases . Here in Srika assessment, interventions are focused as a individualized plan.