Family is the oldest organization that has existed since the appearance of human beings and plays a remarkable part in the mental health of individuals in society.
According to health psychologists, the family’s foundation will be realized under the shelter of the life of couples, along with the establishment of permanent and strong links between the man and woman, which is called marriage.
However, among the essential mental impacts of marriage is establishing a favorable relationship between the man and woman, which brings both tranquility. (Dimatteo, 1999).
Family is the most important primary group in society. Family and marriage are considered the two pillars of any society, and as such, they are the two most important societal institutions.
In India, traditionally and from time immemorial, marriage has been blessed as sacred, and marriage for most Indians is not merely a sacrament but is sacrosanct.
Once the couple enters the marriage bond, the relationship is considered endless for the rest of their lives. In other words, marriage used to be for life and worked as a bulwark against social vulnerabilities.
It had an inbuilt system of checks and balances, and the society defined roles and priorities for the couple. What distinguished marriage in India from marriage in the West was the sanctity attached to marriage: a sense of perpetual bonding and an element of divinity. (Ramachandrappa.S,2009)
The objective of the family is to provide the couple and the children with mental health. The importance of family lies in delivering a quality of life and getting prepared for confronting and facing social phenomena (Rosen-Grandon, 2004).
Marital satisfaction manifests objective feelings, happiness and satisfaction as the pleasure experienced by the man and woman are said to be among the indices of mental health and survival of the living. (Rubell, 2004)